About the UWSS

The Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society (UWSS) is a new citizen-led organization formed following the 2015 lethal deer cull in the municipality of Oak Bay, part of greater Victoria, B.C., Canada.

The UWSS consists of deer biologists, educators, professional communicators, retired senior public servants and working professionals, mostly from Oak Bay. We believe there are effective and sustainable, non-lethal solutions to human-deer conflicts in Oak Bay, the CRD, and other urban areas.

A humane solution to the human-deer conflict

Our immediate objective is to implement an immunocontraceptive program to steward the deer population in Oak Bay in a proper way. Read the FAQs to learn more about this.

We will also conduct a scientific deer count and work with local governments and other organizations to build public awareness on how to co-exist with urban deer.


Although the Oak Bay Urban Deer Research Program is funded by Oak Bay, the Province of BC and in-kind and volunteer work by the UWSS, another important component of our work is public education, in Oak Bay, the CRD and beyond. We have held fundraisers such as our Deer-friendly Father’s Garden Day Tour in 2018 and a photography/calendar contest in 2019, and donations for our Caution Expect Deer signs (over 2000 distributed to date!)

In order to continue this important work, we are grateful for any financial support you are able to provide. 

Donations can be made through our donate page.

Be part of innovative leadership

We have the range of skills and experience to implement this science-based approach to the stewardship of urban deer.

In contrast to a cull, our activities are community-building by engaging citizens and implementing ethical and humane solutions in a transparent and accountable way.

This is an opportunity for Oak Bay and the CRD to be innovative leaders on an issue faced by other urban centres across North America.

The UWSS is a registered non-profit society. The missing element to make this happen is you!