Support a practical & humane solution to human-deer conflicts

We’re passionate about long-term leadership to reduce human-deer conflict, but we need your help.

Comprehensive, science-based, ethical deer stewardship is made possible by the generous support of individuals and organizations passionate about long-term leadership to reduce human-deer conflict.

Citizens like you are helping fund this effective, science-based, and humane urban deer stewardship.

Your support, whether $5, $100, or $5000, is essential to a successful effort that brings together scientists, educators, and citizens.

You can donate by:

1. Interact email money transfer to (our preferred method),

2. Cheque payable to “Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society” mail to:

Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society
Box #157 – 2017 Cadboro Bay Road
Victoria, BC  V8R 5G4